Thursday, May 10, 2007

Are You Drinking Your Daily Caloric Intake?

Are You Drinking Your Daily Caloric Intake?

It's astounding how many calories and how many grams of sugar some sodas and "fruit drinks" contain. And of course, let's not forget to mention specialty coffees -- a Starbucks venti Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino Blended Coffee contains a whopping 83 grams of sugar -- about 20 teaspoons. That's a little more than 3/4 of a cup of sugar -- yikes! Diabetes, anyone?

The problem is with this is that many people simply have no idea just how many calories and/or how much sugar is in their drinks. After all, it's hard to imagine a quarter cup or more of sugar in a relatively small beverage. And the labelling on some of these products can be a bit deceptive in some instances too -- quoting ingredients per serving size, which is often half the size of the serving container. As if you're going to drink half a serving, and then recap the can?

So just what are the worst offenders, sugar-wise? This article, from highlights the top 7 worst offenders. Check out the "Hype" energy drink, boasting 67 grams in an 8.4 ounce serving.


So... are you drinking your calories? Remember, sodas may taste good, but they offer zero nutritional value and provide nothing but "empty" calories. Fruit drinks too are highly suspect, as are many of the energy drinks and specialty coffees. When used as a treat, these beverages can provide a nice dose of variety to your diet. But as far as regular use goes?

Forget it!


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