Monday, April 16, 2007

Subway Selling Pizza? What Gives?

Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, but this news about Subway selling pizza to capitalize on the dwindling market share of Pizza Hut and Dominoes...

Click here to read the full news story!

... really aggravated the "you-know-what" out of me. Hey Jared? What's up with that? Like to try the "Subway diet" all over again, this time substituting your burgers and fries for pizza and pop?

What happened to the "heathy eating" alternative to fast food restaurants so crucial to Subway's corporate branding? 'Cause pizza, as delicious as it may be, isn't a healthy alternative to anything -- and I don't care how much lycopene is contained in the tomato paste. It's outrageously high in fat, it's chock-full of simple, high glycemic carbs, and its about as dense in calories as you can get.

So what does Subway's "about face" reveal to us?

It's simple really... the "healthy eating" image is nothing more than corporate branding, dreamed up by the people in their advertising department to differentiate themselves from their competitors. They themselves actually could care less about healthy eating and the good health of their clientele. It's all a sham, a facade. Because if Subway really did care, they wouldn't be falling over themselves in their haste to to market pizza -- they'd be coming up with healthy, tasty alternatives.

Thanks for the integrity, Subway. from now on, I'll be having Quiznos!


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