Monday, April 17, 2006

An Introduction To Blood Sugar Moderators

Blood sugar moderators work by regulating insulin function,stabilizing the vacillating blood sugar levels that lead to uncontrollable cravings for sweets, binge eating, anddepressed energy levels. While they do not actually burn fat or raise your metabolism, their insulin regulating effects help you avoid the over eating of all the wrong foods. This of course, keeps your diet on target, and could, in a roundabout way, lead to weight loss.

Helpful ingredients include chromium polynicotinate, alpha lipoic acid, vanadium, banaba extract, and gymnema sylvestre (several of these are reviewed in detail on

For anyone who is hypoglycemic or consumes too many simple carbohydrates (sweets, refined grains, or any high G.I.foods) a blood sugar moderator -- either in isolation, orpart of a more comprehensive forumla, is a no brainer. My current favorite is alpha lipoic acid, which also happens tobe a fantastic antioxidant. Be sure to take your single 100mg capsule with a meal... otherwise, you'll need to have an anti-acid handy!


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