Thursday, March 09, 2006

FTC Pulls Plug On Lipodrene, Stimerex-ES and Betadrene

Ephedra is a controversial but popular ingredient in weight loss products, over the counter cold remedies, and herbal bronchodilators. The US government recently outlawed the sale ephedra in fat burners -- this law was later overturned by Judge Tena Campbell (of the U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City) who struck down the ban on the sale of supplements containing 10 mg or less of ephedra per serving. In her opinion, the FDA had failed to make its case that ephedra was dangerous at that dosage. This was good news for fans of ephedra -- a compound that has been highly demonized and plagued by inaccurate and inflammatory media reporting. Low dose ephedra products began to reappear on the market.

Unfortunately, not everyone plays by the rules, and some retailers continued to manufacture full-dose ephedra products (containing 25 mg ephedra per serving) despite the continuing ban on products containing higher levels of ephedra. Well the chickens came home to roost lately. Under the directions of the FDA, US Marshalls moved to seize large amounts of Lipodrene, Stimerex-ES and Betadrene, as well as the raw materials required to manufacture them. To review the full FDA press release detailing the action, click here! These products were all labeled as containing 25 mg of ephedra per tablet -- 2 and a half times the legal limit.

What's most irritating about the behavior of some supplement companies is that by their irresponsible behavior, they run the risk of ruining it for everyone else. If you're a fan of ephedra, chances are you'll be happy being able to get your hands on any product providing the legal 10 mg/dose. But if some manufacturers continue to ignore the ban, we run the risk of the re-establishing of a full ban on ephedra. And like I say... if you're a fan, that's really not good.

If you are a fan, there are plenty of legal ways you can have your ephedra back. Click here to learn how!


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